Located in Karvia, Lehtoranta farm is a family estate specialised in organic farming and forestry. The farm has a long history and its operations have been actively developed: the family gave up cattle rearing in the 80s and were one of the first to start organic farming in the 90s. Today, the farm consists of 40 hectares of field and 500 hectares of forest, which are mainly managed with Finnish machinery.
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Kesla Oyj är en finsk tillverkare av lastbilskranar, avverkningsutrustning och traktorbaserad utrustning inom skogsteknik och materialhantering, med djupa traditioner och rötter som sträcker sig ända till 1960-talet, i synnerhet som tillverkare av traktorbaserad utrustning. Vid förra årets FinnMETKO-mässa presenterade Kesla den intelligenta kranstyrningen KESLA proC i. Styrsystemet har genomgått omfattande tester och är nu redo för försäljning.
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McCauley Wood Fuels is a wood fuel supply business based in County Leitrim in the North West of Ireland.
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Kuhmo Oy is a Kainuu-based sawmill company that supplies Finnish timber to 20 countries across the world. The products are manufactured locally from high-quality wood, which is sawn, dried and sorted according the customers’ wishes. The sawmill uses Kesla industrial cranes on a daily basis to keep the production lines operational even in failure situations.
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Machinery designed for Finnish conditions meets even the most demanding needs
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Finländska Kesla presenterar ett nytt kranpaket för den svenska marknaden på Mittia-mässan i Ljusdal 18–19/8 2023. I paketet är kranens hytt den svenska X-Cab och såväl styr-ventilen som kranens hela styrsystem levereras av svenska Olsbergs.
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Kesla Oyj is a Finnish manufacturer of truck cranes, logging equipment as well as tractor-based forest technology and material handling equipment with long and traditional roots, especially as a manufacturer of tractor-based machinery, since the 1960s. Now, the company is also launching a strong nave drive for the smallest for-est trailers of 10 tonnes.
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Finska Keslas fordonsmonterade kranar lämpar sig utomordentligt även för industribruk. Företaget grundades på 1960-talet och levererade sina första industrikranar redan på 1980-talet. Sedermera har man tillverkat hundratals industrikranar och levererat dem till tiotals länder.
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Kesla equipment used for production of Finnish bioenergy in Kontiolahti
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