Safety can be increased with hydraulic 4-wheel drum brakes or pneumatic brakes.With several other accessories available you can taylor the trailer for your exact needs.
KESLA 104 trailer is suitable for private wood transport or small scale contract work. Like all other KESLA tractor forest trailers, the front screen and front screen support between the screen and the first stakes come as standard. Load space area of the trailer is 2 m2. Thanks to single-frame structure, the trailer can be equipped with frame extension, which enables transporting even longer wood when needed. The extension adds operation length up to 1 055 mm.
Safety can be increased with hydraulic 4-wheel drum brakes or pneumatic brakes.With several other accessories available you can taylor the trailer for your exact needs.
KESLA 200 series loaders are recommended for this trailer serie.
Compatible with VALTRA tractor A-series
KESLA-vaunuihin on saatavana 167/2013 tyyppihyväksyntä paketti lisävarusteena 5/2020 alkaen. 167/2013 tyyppihyväksyntä vaunuissa oltava seuraavat ominaisuudet: kaksipiiriset jarrut negatiivisella jarrulla, ainoastaan paineilmajarrut; takavalot; rekisterikilven teline ja valot; heijastinpaketti, jossa on etu- ja sivuheijastimet; E-hyväksyntä tyyppikilpi. Rajoitteet, joita 167/2013 tyyppihyväksyntä tuo vaunuihin: max runkonopeus 30 km/h; rengasvaihtoehdot ainoistaan: 104 - 400/60-15,5”, 114 - 500/50-17”, 124 ja 144 - 550/45-22,5”; max leveys 2,55 m.
El color especial de la barra de tracción, el bastidor y el bogie puede elegirse libremente de la carta de colores RAL.
Индивидуальный цвет сцепного устройства, рамы и тележки можно выбрать по таблице цветов RAL.
En särskild färg för dragstången, ramen och boggin kan väljas från RAL-färgkartan.
Die Sonderfarbe für Deichsel, Rahmen und Bogie kann frei aus der RAL-Farbtabelle gewählt werden.
Les feux de travail arrière, des feux à LED Walonia, sont montés à l’intérieur du tube de châssis. Comprend 1 feu de travail à LED 25 W, faisceau électrique et verre de protection. Disponible seulement avec faisceaux des feux arrière.
Las luces de trabajo traseras, luces LED Walonia, están montadas dentro del tubo del bastidor. Se incluye 1 luz de trabajo LED de 25 W, mazo de cables y cristal protector. Disponible solo con faro trasero.
Задние рабочий свет, светодиодные фары Walonia, устанавливается внутри трубы рамы. В комплект входит 1 светодиодный рабочий фонарь мощностью 25 Вт, жгут проводов и защитное стекло. Устанавливаются только при наличии крепления для задних фонарей.
Bakre arbetsstrålkastare, LED-lampor från Walonia, är monterade inuti ramröret. Inkluderar 1 x 25 W LED arbetsstrålkastare, kablage och skyddsglas. Endast tillgängligt med bakljusstråle.
Die hintere Arbeitsbeleuchtung (Walonia LED-Lampen) ist im Inneren des Rahmenrohrs montiert. Enthält 1 x 25 W LED-Arbeitslicht, Kabelbaum und Schutzglas. Nur mit dem Rücklichtbalken erhältlich.
À partir de mai 2020, les remorques KESLA sont disponibles avec groupes d’équipements conformes au règlement-cadre UE 167/2013. Les véhicules conformes au règlement 167/2013 doivent avoir les équipements suivants : double circuit de freinage avec frein négatif, système de frein pneumatique, feux rouges arrière, feux plaque d'immatriculation et arrière, groupe de réflecteurs de type A dont réflecteurs frontaux et latéraux ; plaque signalétique de réception européenne. Restrictions imposées concernant les remorques conformément au règlement UE 167/2013 : vitesse maxi : 30 km/h ; seules options de pneus possibles : 104 - 400/60-15,5 po, 114 - 500/50-17 po, 124 et 144 - 550/45-22,5 po ; largeur maxi 2,55 m.
A partir del 5/2020, los tráilers KESLA están disponibles con los paquetes de equipamiento homologados de conformidad con el Reglamento Marco de la UE 167/2013. Los vehículos con la homologación 167/2013 deben incluir el siguiente equipamiento: Frenos de doble circuito con freno negativo, sistema de frenado neumático; faro trasero; luces de la matrícula y de la parte trasera; paquete de reflectores, incl. reflectores delanteros y laterales; placa de homologación E. Restricciones impuestas a los tráilers según la homologación de tipo 167/2013: velocidad máxima - 30 km/h; las únicas opciones de neumáticos posibles son: 104 - 400/60-15,5”, 114 - 500/50-17”, 124 y 144 - 550/45-22,5”; ancho máx. 2,55 m.
Начиная с мая 2020 г., прицепы KESLA предлагаются с комплектами оборудования, которые соответствуют требованиям Рамочного положения ЕС 167/2013. Транспортные средства, сертифицированные по стандарту 167/2013, должны быть оснащены следующими компонентами: 2-контурные нормально замкнутые тормоза, пневматическая тормозная система; задние фонари; крепление для номерного знака и задних фонарей; комплект отражателей, включая передние и боковые отражатели; заводская табличка с маркировкой одобрения типа Е. Ограничения, предусмотренные для прицепов, сертифицированных по стандарту 167/2013: макс. скорость – 30 км/ч; допустимые варианты шин: 104 –400/60–15,5 дюйма, 114 –500/50–17 дюймов, 124 и 144 – 550/45–22,5 дюйма; макс. ширина – 2,55 м.
Från och med 5/2020 blir släpvagnar från KESLA tillgängliga med utrustningspaket som är godkända enligt EU:s ramförordning 167/2013. Fordon som är godkända enligt 167/2013 måste ha följande utrustning: Bromsar med två kretsar med negativ broms, pneumatiskt bromssystem; baklyktor; licensplåtbelysning och bakljusstråle; ett reflexpaket med reflexer på framsidan och sidorna; Europagodkänd namnplåt. Begränsningar på släpvagnar som är godkända enligt 167/2013: max hastighet - 30 km/h; de enda möjliga däckalternativen är: 104 - 400/60-15,5”, 114 - 500/50-17”, 124 och 144 - 550/45-22,5”; max bredd 2,55 m.
Seit 5/2020 sind die KESLA-Anhänger mit nach der EU-Rahmenverordnung 167/2013 zugelassenen Ausrüstungspaketen erhältlich. Nach 167/2013 zugelassene Fahrzeuge müssen mit folgender Ausrüstung ausgestattet sein: 2-Kreis-Bremsen mit Negativbremse, Druckluftbremsanlage; Rückleuchten; Kennzeichen und Rücklichtbalken; ein Reflektorpaket mit Front- und Seitenreflektoren; Typenschild für die E-Genehmigung. Beschränkungen für Anhänger gemäß 167/2013-Typengenehmigung: max. Geschwindigkeit - 30 km/h; ausschließlich zulässige Reifenoptionen: 104 - 400/60-15,5”, 114 - 500/50-17”, 124 und 144 - 550/45-22,5”; max. Breite: 2,55 m.
La couleur spéciale du timon directeur, du châssis et du bogie peut être choisie librement dans le nuancier RAL.
KESLA-trailers' structure os based on the single beam frame. The beam is strong - 200 x 200 mm - and made of thick, strong steel. The structure and the material make the trailer extremely durable. It also enables frame extension and works as a rack for the loader during the transportation.
KESLA trailers' loadspace can be equipped with the bioenergy plates.
Rear working lights, LED Walonia lights, are mounted inside the frame tube. Includes 1 x 25W LED working light, wiring harness and protective glass. Available only with the tail light beam.
Front working lights, LED Walonia lights, are mounted on the front screen of a trailer. The set includes 2 x 25W LED working lights, wiring harness and protection shields for wiring harness.
Starting from 5/2020 KESLA trailers are available with the EU Framework Regulation167/2013 approved equipment packages. 167/2013 approved vehicles must have the following equipment: 2-circuit brakes with negative brake, pneumatic brake system; tail lights; license plate and rear lights beam; A reflector package incl. front and side reflectors; E-approval nameplate. Restrictions, imposed on trailers according to 167/2013 type-approval: max speed - 30 km/h; the only possible tyre options: 104 - 400/60-15,5”, 114 - 500/50-17”, 124 and 144 - 550/45-22,5”; max width 2,55 m.
LS hydraulic pump set is installed inside of the KESLA 300 series crane’s stabilizer frame. Hydraulic output is max. 150 l/min (max. 280 bar). Hydraulic tank 110 l.
The special color for drawbar, frame and bogie can be chosen freely from RAL color chart.
New tool boxes with the lock set on the left or right side. Available as 1 or 2 pcs set. Size – 900x406x315 mm.
Trailer models 104-144 can be equipped with a rear grapple rack. Available only with a tail light beam.
Posts are sturdy and they make keeping the load neat easier. The posts are designed so, that they can't turn towards load space and they don't rise from their place.
KESLA-trailer's loading space is very flexible thank to structure which allows a lot of different additional option: frame extension, extra bunks with posts or double posts and in addition the bunks can be moved. Also rear axle can be locked in four different positions in certain models (104).
A sturdy front screen and its support come as standard with all KESLA-trailers. This helps in loading the timber and keeping timber in its place during the transportation. The front screen supports give extra support for the front screen and keep the first posts in the right positions.
All KESLA-trailers are equipped with hydraulic articulated drawbar. It makes steering of the trailer especially in thinning sites or bendy roads easier.
The combination is sturdier with stabilizers that usually come with the loader. The design of stabilizers is well thought. In Addition to A-frame telescopic stabilizers, flapdown models for difficult conditions are available.
KESLA-trailers can be equipped with brakes. The available brake sortiment varies according to the model and might require certain tyres. Following brake options are possible: 2- or 4-wheel drum brakes, hydraulic 2- or 4-wheel discbrakes, pneumatic brakes.
KESLA-tractor forest trailers can be combined with wide variety of compatible KESLA-loaders.
Model | Kesla 104 |
Product Family () | 104 |
Carrying capacity (t) | 10 |
Weight including front screen, beam control and extra bunk (kg) | 1 620 |
Total length (mm) | 5 562 |
Total width (mm) | 2 213-2 469 |
Load space area (m2) | 2,4 |
Load space length (mm) | 3 455-3 878 |
Ground clearance (mm) | 550-600 |
Bunks / posts (standard) () | 3/6 |
Hydraulic articulated tow bar (o) | 33 |
Max drive speed with drive engaged (km/h) | - |
Drive power (t) | - |
Volume (stacked m3) | - m3 stacked |
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