

KESLA products are results of cooperation

10.09.2018 News

At Kesla the staff keeps its ears open all the time trying to know the expectations of customers. We do benchmarking, follow the markets in general and interact with customers to find the right impulses. The best of the ideas is chosen for the real products.

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FinnMETKO press release: KESLA chippers are now selling well

29.08.2018 News

The KESLA chipper range includes three classes of chippers: C645, C860 and C1060. Chip-pers are available regardless of the size class, the truck, or the tractor and with the type of its own engine powered. The chippers have been developed forward and the current situa-tion is that the demand for chippers has increased dramatically in the neighboring markets.

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FinnMETKO press release: KESLA forest trailers are getting renewed

29.08.2018 News

The strategic decision by Kesla to separate tractor attachments in to its own business unit has borne fruit. It can be seen in all efforts and more concretely on the FinnMETKO stands 60, 62 and 66 where a record number of tractor attachments combined with Valtra tractors are on display. The main regeneration is the totally renewed forest trailers.

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FinnMETKO press release: KESLA – the number one for excavator harvesters

29.08.2018 News

Kesla has extensive experience in excavator equipping for use in harvester applications in all different conditions around the world. Experience dates back to the roots of the 1980s, when machines designed as harvesters from the beginning were just entering the markets. In the 21st century, Kesla has been the fastest growing manufacturer of harvester heads on the market.

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02.07.2018 News

Kesla is the Finnish multitalent in forest technology, known as the globally #1 independent manufacturer of harvester heads. The extensive KESLA range covers both roller and stroke harvester heads for professionals, from small thinning heads up to heavy-duty heads for clear cuttings and processing at landings. Last year Kesla launched a new series of large heads from 27RH-II to 30RH-II. Now one of these, KESLA 27RH-II, can be seen on the Interforst.

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Oletko sinä seuraava ylpeä tiimimme jäsen?

15.03.2018 News

Etsimme nyt Kesälahden toimipisteeseen hakkureiden kokoonpanojaa toistaiseksi voimassaolevaan työsuhteeseen. Lisätietoja Mika-Pekka Tiainen puh. 040 3522 145. Hakemukset viimeistään 23.3.2018 mikapekka.tiainen[at]

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Oletko sinä seuraava ylpeä tiimimme jäsen?

15.03.2018 News

Haemme Joensuuhun varaosamyyntiin varastomiestä, jonka tehtäviin kuuluvat mm. tavaran vastaanotto ja hyllytys sekä tilausten keräily ja pakkaus. Tehtävän hoito edellyttää itsenäistä työotetta, ahkeruutta, tiimityötaitoja ja joustavuutta. Eduksi katsomme tehtävään soveltuvan koulutuksen tai kokemuksen vastaavasta työstä. Myös kokemus trukin käytöstä on plussaa. Pikaiset hakemukset varaosapäällikkö Mikko Pehkoselle mikko.pehkonen[at] puh. 040 1544 831.

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