

ELMIAWOOD: Kesla launches a new ZT17 recycling crane


Kesla is a Finnish company known for its’ forestry machines such as cranes, tractor forest equipment, harvester heads and chippers. The company has now enwidened the use of its’ strongest cranes to recycling duties. The first crane that is fully equipped for recycling duties is the ZT17. The crane is for display on the Elmia Wood exhibition in Sweden 7.-10.6.2017.

As new accessory: stability control

The KESLA cranes have both outreach and strenght, which both are very essential in the recycling use, as the material can be further away from the crane itself and the items can be rather heavy, such as cars or containers.

Lifting heavy loads with long outreach in urban area requires stability. Because of this, KESLA has developed a new stability control system for cranes called KESLA proSTABILITY. This control system warns the operator from several issues related to stability, such as overload, inclination of the truck and loosing the ground contact. In extreme situations it also prevents functions increasing the possiblity to fall down.  The system gives also other information, such as error log, position of stabilizers and crane and lifting capacity in the particular position, that can be seen in the system screen. 

In several Middle European countries the authorities require that the cranes are equipped with approved stability control system.

Radio-control is a handy solution in short and demanding loadings

Also in recycling, the crane can be equipped with top-seat or with cabin, but as the loading periods are short, the radio-control is a very handly solution. KESLA recycling cranes are mainly equipped with modified Scanreco radio-control unit. When loading happens outside, the visibility to the crane is excellent and the operator can simultaneously pay attention to the messages on the stability control screen. 

The sales have already begun in France

The sales have already begun actively in France through Techmat’s subsidiary, Dalby.

- The first orders came very early, actually before we were actually ready to produce the crane, Marko Härkönen, responsable for Kesla’s crane business, states. – There will certainly be some fine-tuning as we are still in the early stages but we are happy that the first comments from dealers and customers have been very encouraging.

Kesla believes that there is demand for recycling cranes also in other countries, including Nordic countries.

- In Finland, our home market, the first ZT17 crane will be used as cargo crane, starting May 2017. Our goal is not to expand market quickly but to gather feedback of the product from selected clients and develop it further, Härkönen states.

More Information:
Kesla Oyj: Marko Härkönen, tel. +358 40 7732 107