
144H | HD | ND

144H | HD | ND - The professional choice

KESLA 144 series trailers are designed for professional contracting use and they are compatible with the biggest tractors. Load space area of the loader is over 3 m2 and net carrying capacity is 14 tons. Welded log bunks are also available for all models of 144 series trailers.


KESLA 144 series is available with HD or with nave drive. Nave drive version is available as 2WD or 4WD version. The nave drive version can also be equipped with KESLA proTRACTION drive control system that is connected with tractor's ISOBUS system making the use of the drive system easy and efficient.


Compatible with VALTRA tractor A-series

Compatible with VALTRA tractor N-series

Compatible with VALTRA tractor T-series