Kesla equipment used for production of Finnish bioenergy in Kontiolahti
Entrepreneur Jyrki Hyvärinen provides local forest owners in Kontiolahti with a wide range of services, such as thinning and bioenergy wood harvesting. As of late, Jyrki has also been busy with the extensive fallout from snowfall and storms, which he helps clear out with Kesla machinery.
“Our farm has been heated with woodchips since 1981, which is why I’ve been harvesting energy wood for decades. We even had our own heating boiler at one point, until I joined the local Kontio-Energia co-operative and we built a plant to heat our farm, the local school and the gym, among other locations. The bioenergy from woodchips helps us replace up to 2.5 million litres of fuel oil,” Jyrki says.
Innovative harvesting equipment streamline work processes
The experienced veteran of harvesting work appreciates the smooth work processes enabled by advanced harvesting equipment. Jyrki was introduced to Kesla machines several decades ago, and he has felt no need to switch to another manufacturer since. Jyrki’s latest purchases from Kesla were a 13H-series harvester crane and 21RH-III harvester head, which have improved the speed and efficiency of the entrepreneur's work even further.
“When the need came up to streamline the harvesting of energy wood, I decided to update my equipment with Kesla machinery. We have had Kesla products since the 1980s, and I’m used to handling tasks such as local transport with a Kesla forest trailer and 305T loader in combination with a tractor. My specific hopes from the new grapple are improved multi-stem processing and knife cutting, so I don’t always need to resort to a saw. The Kesla 21RH sports all of these features in one machine, in addition to which the crane’s reach is an impressive 10.5 metres. The new machines are extremely efficient and have made my work much faster than before,” says Jyrki.
Bioenergy woodchips for domestic use in Kontiolahti
Jyrki sees a bright future for Finnish bioenergy and his own company; the efforts to replace fossil fuels are increasing, which translates to a steady increase in the demand for bioenergy woodchips. It is rewarding for Jyrki to promote Finnish bioenergy with Kesla’s reliable machinery, and the company’s after sales services have impressed him.
“It has been very easy to trust Kesla, because the quality is always guaranteed. I’ve never needed to weld the machines, for example, and they are always comfortable to use. I can wholeheartedly recommend Kesla to anyone – it is a Finnish high-quality company that provides impeccable after sales services,” Jyrki says.